
Art Parliament: European Elections 2024

Professional conditions of artists in Europe

With the European Parliament elections taking place this June, the Art Parliament discussion forum gathers experts, researchers and politicians to discuss the status of artists in Europe. The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) organises annual Art Parliament discussion forums on current art policy themes. This event will be in English.
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Evenemangets dag

mån, 2024-05-13 på 12.00 — 14.00

Typ av evenemang


The European Parliament has recently proposed an EU framework to improve the living and working conditions of workers in the cultural and creative fields. Work in the cultural sector is characterised by poor earnings opportunities and abundant cross-border mobility. The coordination of national social systems together with other regulations on livelihood leave actors in an unequal position. Networks of cultural professionals are demanding a strong cultural dimension in political programs and election campaigns in EU countries leading up to the European Parliament elections.

How can the EU ensure, through legislative and other means, that equal working conditions for artists are realised throughout the EU? What does the situation for artists look like from the perspective of the latest European livelihood survey to be published this spring? What means can be used to strengthen the arts and culture ecosystem by identifying the challenges, opportunities and needs of the field?

Taike is an expert and service agency for promoting the arts under the Ministry of Education and Culture, with special responsibility for enabling the work of artists and communities in the free art field. Taike’s mission is to promote the arts nationally and internationally.

Registration is not required. The link to the webinar will be published on this page nearer to the event.

This event will be in English. A recording of the event will be available with Finnish and Swedish subtitles two weeks after the event.


The event is hosted by Henri Terho, Head of Arts Support at Taike

12:00 Opening words

12:10 The role of the European Commission in developing the livelihoods of artists
Barbara Stacher, Senior Expert, EU Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries European Commission

12:30 Commentary: The importance of EU-level guidelines in the arts and artist policies of the Nordic countries
Maria Hirvi-Ijäs, Senior Researcher, Cupore 

12:40 European livelihood survey of artists and cultural professionals
Martin Clarke, Head of Research, Panteia

13:00 Lobbying work and EU election goals of arts associations
Lars Ebert, Secretary General, Culture Action Europe

13:15 Discussion on the EU’s impact on the professional conditions of artists and lobbying within the EU 

Panel members:
Sirpa Pietikäinen, European Parliamentarian, EU parliamentary candidate
Riku Nieminen, actor, EU parliamentary candidate

13:50 Closing remarks