Materials for project planning
Tips for clarifying ideas. What should be taken into consideration when planning your idea from the point of view of ESF+ funding? Creative Net’s "From idea to project" canvas can help you structure your project ideas.
Funding info materials, 16 March 2023. These materials provide an overview of funding sources for the creative industries, also other than ESF+ funding.
Download the presentation material (pdf in Finnish only)
ESF+ application info materials, 15 March 2023. The application info provides useful information about the contents of ESF+ calls for applications, evaluation criteria and cost models, for example. Application info materials can be downloaded from the Structural Funds website (in Finnish only).
“From idea to project” cards
How can you create an impressive project plan? “From idea to project” cards will help you with your project planning.
The Creative Net’s “From idea to project” cards have been designed to support project planning. The cards present questions and perspectives on the different stages of project planning.