
Projects within the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise theme (ESF+) strengthen the creative industries and the creative economy, as well as expertise within the arts and culture sectors.
Graphic character stands on one foot with hands in the air surrounded by coloured balls. Text: Creative Net, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, co-financed by the European Union.

Within the national Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise ESF+ theme, projects will be funded that strengthen the creative industries and the creative economy, as well as expertise within the arts and culture sectors. 

The first application round was in spring 2023. 

Projects selected in the first application round

Kuvituskuva. Kolme violettia hahmoa vierekkäin.

Project Opus

The aim is to strengthen project management skills in the arts and culture sector and produce a project guide for the industry.

Implementer: Humak University of Applied Sciences

Kaksi sarjakuvamaista eläinhahmoa, orava ja majava, pukeutuneina värikkäisiin vaatteisiin. Ylänurkassa Project Opus -logo.

Music Agent Training Project

The main objective of the Music Agent Training project is to train employees of Finnish music agencies and new agencies to operate in a national and international business environments. The goal is to map and clarify the current and future skills needs of the programme office sector, and to plan and pilot continuing education in the sector based on the results of the survey.

Implementer: Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Sinisävyinen piirroskuva puhelimeen puhuvasta henkilöstä.

Art, technology, and sustainable tourism

The project establishes an innovation platform that combines expertise in visual arts, technology, and sustainable tourism. The goal is to align artistic thinking, problem-solving skills, and perspectives on sustainable tourism. The project involves three UNESCO Global Geopark areas: Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas, Saimaa, and Salpausselkä.

Implementer of the main project: Satakunta University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: University of Tampere Foundation, LAB University of Applied Sciences

Ihmisiä katsomassa maisemaa näköalatasanteelta.

LUME – Creatives in Web3 Age

Creatives in Web3 Age provides competencies for content creators and mediators in the web3 environment and renews education to meet the requirements of the web3 era.

Implementer of the main project: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: Häme University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Humak University of Applied Sciences

AV UP – New Skills for the AV Industry

AV UP strengthens the expertise of the sector and supports the growth needs of productions.

Implementer of the main project: Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Implementers of sub-projects: City of Tampere, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, City of Turku, Omnia, the Joint Authority of Education in the Espoo region

Logo: AV UP

LuovAIn! – Artificial intelligence in the creative and cultural ecosystem

The project provides creative and cultural professionals with ways to utilise artificial intelligence in their own operations and, on the other hand, ways to adapt to the changing business environment brought about by artificial intelligence.

Implementer of the main project: University of Turku Implementers of sub-projects: University of Oulu, LAB University of Applied Sciences, University of Tampere Foundation

Futuristinen huone, jossa on useita tietokonenäyttöjä, työpisteitä ja sininen valaistus. Digitaalisessa kyltissä lukee "LuovAin! Tekoäly luovan ja kulttuurialan ekosysteemissä".

Living Lab

Living Lab project creates a national network of producers and its operational and organisational model. The project strengthens the skills, networking, and collaboration of producers.

Implementer of the main project: Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Implementers of sub-projects: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Humak University of Applied Sciences, Live FIN ry

Tuottajakeskus Living Lab -logo


The KUVATA project provides new knowledge and models that enhance the earning potential and skills of visual artists in a changing work environment, while also promoting equality in the field of visual arts.

Implementer of the main project: Tampere University of Applied Sciences 
Implementers of sub-projects: University of Lapland, Globe Art Point ry


Teksti: KUVATA


KLUSTERI brings together professionals and creators in popular music and related content sectors, as well as decision-makers.

Implementer of the main project: Rytmi-instituutti Supporters’ Association 
Implementers of sub-projects: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences



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