Management and areas of responsibility

The Director is appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture for a term of five years.

As Director of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), Paula Tuovinen oversees the management and development of Taike’s activities. She is responsible that all of the tasks assigned to Taike are carried out successfully and that Taike’s expert bodies – the Central Arts Council plus the national and regional arts councils – are capable of performing their legal responsibilities for promoting the arts. The Director also serves as a referendary to the Central Arts Council. The Director is appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture for a term of five years.

Leadership Team

The Director is assisted by the Leadership Team. The duties of the Leadership Team include preparing Taike’s financial and operating plan, performance agreement, and financial statements and annual report. The members of the Leadership Team include the Director, the Head of Human Resources, the Head of Finance, the Head of Development, the Head of Arts Support, the Head of Planning, and the Head of Communications.

Areas of Responsibility

Taike has two areas of responsibility:

  • Responsibility for Arts Promotion, which is overseen by the Head of Arts Support.
  • Responsibility for Shared Services, which consists of
    • communications services, which is overseen by the Head of Communications.
    • finance services, which is overseen by the Head of Finance.
    • information and event services, which is overseen by the Head of Development.
    • personnel services, which is overseen by the Head of Human Resources.
    • planning services, which is overseen by the Head of Planning.