Development programme for artistic expertise and mediation

This development programme concludes at the end of 2022, when its actions will be integrated with other Taike development programmes and expert services.
The objectives of the programme are:
- To make new ways of applying artistic expertise visible
- To support the development, diversification and organisation of mediating activities
- To network and bring together parties and actors in this field
- To provide access to artists' expertise as broadly as possible within society
The special advisors and regional artists involved in the programme have sought and identified ways to recognise and communicate artistic expertise to other parts of society.
The programme has implemented projects to strengthen the interaction between artistic expertise and societal development. By being active within multi-professional collaborations, artists have been able to provide their own expertise and creative know-how to different goal-oriented processes. For example, artistic expertise has been promoted as part of the development of working life organisations and the solutions for sustainable development.
The development work has been carried out in continuous dialogue with actors in the art sector while bearing in mind the autonomy and intrinsic value of the arts. In addition to the art field, regional artists in the programme have engaged with interfaces where new mediating skills and activities can be formed to support artists.
The programme was implemented in 2018–2022.
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