Publication archive

Publications of the arts councils
Publications of the Arts Council of Finland
Publications of the Arts Council of Finland
no. 40
The internationalisation of Finnish Design. Support, impediments and opportunities. English summary.
Katja Oksanen-Särelä
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2012.
no. 39
The Finnish system of regional artists 1972-2011. English summary.
Pekka Oesch
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2012.
no. 38
Sámi artists in Finland. English summary.
Kaija Rensujeff
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2011.
no. 37
Between art and engineering. Public funding of architecture in the 2000s and changes in architecs' work. English summary.
Katja Oksanen-Särelä
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2011.
no. 36
"It's kind of like a snowball starts rolling." The internationalisation of young visual artists in Finland. English summary.
Sari Karttunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2009.
no. 35
Support for children's culture in Finland. English summary.
Anna Anttila ja Kaija Rensujeff. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2009.
no. 34
State support for artists in Finland. Direct and indirect support from the late 1960s to the present. English summary.
Pauli Rautiainen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2008.
no. 33
Freedom of the arts as a fundamental right under the Finnish constitution. English summary.
Pauli Rautiainen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2007.
no. 32
State support for artists and the power of definition in the Finnish variant of the Nordic model of artists' support. English summary.
Merja Heikkinen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2007.
no. 31
Professional training in the arts and the labour market. English summary.
Paula Karhunen ja Kaija Rensujeff. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2006.
no. 30
Professional folk musicians in Finland. English summary.
Robert Arpo ja Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2006.
Research Reports of the Arts Council of Finland
no. 29
The Finnish Photo Book. The effects of state quality support on photographic literature. English summary.
Sari Karttunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2005.
no. 27
The Status of the Artist in Finland. Report on employment and income formation in different fields of art. English summary.
Kaija Rensujeff. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2003.
no. 26
The Nordic Model for Supporting Artists. Public Support for Artists in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
Merja Heikkinen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2003. ISBN 952-5253-40-6.
no. 25
Culture, Companies and Sponsorship. Development and Practice. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2002.
no. 22
Economics of Artists and Arts Policy, Selection of Papers.
Merja Heikkinen ja Tuulikki Koskinen (toim.) Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1998. ISBN 952-5253-04-X.
no. 19
State, culture and decentralisation. A comparative study of decentralisation processes in Nordic cultural policy.
Auli Irjala ja Magne Eikås. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1996. ISBN 951-53-0700-7.
no. 18
The Economic Situation of Cinematographers in Finland. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1995.
no. 17
The Position of Finnish Artists in the Field of Theatre. English summary.
Paula Karhunen. Painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1993.
no. 16
The Economic Situation of Composers and Musicians in Finland. English summary.
Auli Irjala. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1993.
no. 15
The Position of Photographic Artists in Finland. English summary.
Sari Karttunen. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1993.
no. 14
Portrait of Cultural Secretaries. English summary.
Anita Kangas ja Kirsi Pohjola. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1992.
no. 13
A Year of the Theater. The activities, the repertoire and the audience of Turku City Theater during the 1990–1991 season. English summary.
Pirjo Vaittinen (toim.) Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1992.
no. 12
Meanwhile, somewhere else... The position of comics in cultural policy and the production of comics. English summary.
Merja Heikkinen. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1991.
no. 11
Culture, Municipality and Money. English summary.
Anita Kangas. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1991.
no. 10
Purchases of Works of Art by Finnish Municipalities. English summary.
Sari Karttunen. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1990.
no. 9
The Loss of Film Authors – a study on contracts relating to assignment of audiovisual rights. English summary.
Marjut Salokannel. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1990.
no. 8
Art or Policy? A Study of the Finnish National Council for Music 1968–1989. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1990.
no. 4
The Aesthetic and the Authoritative. An Analysis of the Arts Facing Politics and administration in Modern Society. English summary.
Jarmo Malkavaara. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1989.
no. 1
The 1970's and the Finnish Photographic Art. English summary.
Kati Lintonen. Valtion painatuskeskus. Helsinki 1988.
Facts about the arts
no. 40
Company support for the arts and culture in Finland in 2008 and the changes in the support 1999–2008. English summary.
Pekka Oesch
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2010.
no. 39
Support and conditions of Finnish dance productions. Trends in and importance of state grants for dance productions 1991-2008. English summary.
Paula Karhunen
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2008.
no. 38
Foundation support for the Arts in 2001 and 2005. English summary.
Pekka Oesch
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2008.
no. 37
Educational profiles of visual artists. Professional studies in Finland and abroad. English summary.
Sari Karttunen
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2006.
no. 36
Finnish dance and theatre graduates on the labour market. Survey on graduates from secondary and polytechnic level education. English summary.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2006.
no. 35
Music graduates on the labour market. Survey on Finnish music graduates from secondary and polytechnic level education. English summary.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2005.
no. 34
Company Support for the Arts and Heritage in Finland 2003 and Changes in the Support 1993-2003. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2005.
no. 33
From visual and media training to the labour market. Survey on the situation of graduates. English summary.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2004.
no. 32
Discretionary aid to cultural organisations. Changes in the Government transfer system and opportunities of organisations. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2004.
no. 31
The Audience of Contemporary Dance in Finland. A study on the audience of the contemporary dance festival Dance Arena 2000. English summary.
Timo Cantell. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2003.
no. 30
State support for culture in 2001. Cultural appropriations provided by the Ministry of Education. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2002.
no. 29
Public financing of the arts and culture: Statistics and reality in Finland. Methodological issues and identification of the 1990s turning points that re-shaped the conditions of cultural and art institutions. (English Summary)
Ilkka Heiskanen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2002.
no. 28
Performing to the tunes of institutional change. Strategies of Finnish cultural and arts institutions under the new conditions of the late 1990s. English summary.
Ilkka Heiskanen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2001.
no. 27
Company Support for the Arts and Heritage in Finland 1999. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2001.
no. 26
Finnish theatres at the box office of a welfare state. Repertoire changes and managerial strategies of adaptation in the new era of financing. English summary.
Tiia Kurkela. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2000.
no. 25
Public financing of the arts and culture - statistics and reality in Finland. Methodological issues and identification of the 1990s turning points that re-shaped the conditions of cultural and art institutions. English summary.
Ilkka Heiskanen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2000.
no. 24
Finnish cultural and art associations in transition in the 1990s. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2000.
no. 23
Foundations as supporters of the arts. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1999.
no. 22
Artistic work and grants. A survey of state grant recipients. English summary.
Virpi Minkkinen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1999.
no. 21
Working Conditions and International Activities of Professionals in Design and Comics. Survey of the members of artists' organizations in the fields of design and comics. English summary.
Merja Heikkinen ja Auli Irjala. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1999.
no. 20
Company Support for the Arts and Heritage in Finland in 1996. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1998.
no. 19
Festival Audiences in Finland: Helsinki Festival, Joensuu Festival. English summary.
Timo Cantell. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1998.
no. 18
Training at the Sibelius Academy and the Labour Market. English summary.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland, Sibelius Academy. Helsinki 1998.
no. 17
The Music Industry in Finland. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1998.
no. 16
Training in the Fine Arts Academy and the Labour Market. English summary.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1996.
no. 15a
Public Expenditure on the Arts and Culture in Finland 1994. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1997.
no. 15
Julkiset kulttuurimäärärahat 1994.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1996.
no. 14
City Festival Audiences in Finland. English summary.
Timo Cantell. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1996.
no. 13
Children's Culture and State Grants. English summary.
Mari Ylä-Sankola. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1995.
no. 12
The Social and Economic Position of Finnish Dance Artists. English summary.
Paula Karhunen ja Annikki Smolander. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1995.
no. 9
Theatre Training and the Labour Market. English summary.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1994.
no. 8
Company Support for the Arts in Finland in 1990. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1993.
no. 7
The Audiences of Finnish Music Festivals - Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, Viitasaari - Time of Music. English summary.
Timo Cantell. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1993.
no. 6
State Support for Photographic Art in Finland 1980-1991. English summary.
Sari Karttunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991.
no. 5B
Regional Operas: functioning and financing 1979-1988. English summary.
Pekka Oesch. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991.
no. 5A
Regional Operas and their Audiences. English summary.
Kyllikki Kivekäs. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991.
no. 4
Critics and State Grants. English summary.
Esa Rantanen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991.
no. 3
Foundations as Supporters of the Arts in Finland. English summary.
Esa Rantanen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1990.
no. 2
Regional Arts Councils as Supporters of the Arts in Finland. English summary.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1990.
no. 1
Company Support for the Arts in Finland in 1987. English summary.
Ritva Mitchell & Eeva-Sisko Veikkola. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1990.
Tilastokeskus. Helsinki 1990.
Working papers
no. 51
Supplementary state artist pensions in Finland in 1970-2011. English summary.
Tomi Mertanen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2012.
no. 50
Functioning of the state working grant system in Finland. English summary.
Tomi Mertanen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2012.
no. 46
"Unfortunately we could not..." – effects of denial decisions on grants. English summary.
Pauli Rautiainen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2008.
no. 45
Artists' grants in action: Functions of the state working grant system. English summary.
Pauli Rautiainen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2006.
n:o. 39
Preliminary findings from a survey on the economic and labour market situation of Finnish artists.
Paula Karhunen ja Kaija Rensujeff. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2002. ISBN 952-5253-42-2.
no. 34
Exactly who and what is a photographic artist? Experimenting with emic criteria in a 'status-of-an-artist study'.
Sari Karttunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 2000. ISBN 952-5253-20-1.
no. 33
The earnings of photographic artists in Finland. An income profile based on quantitative data from 1989 and 1992.
Sari Karttunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1999. ISBN 952-5253-19-8.
no. 32
Trained artists at the market place. An overview of the graduate-surveys.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1999. ISBN 952-5253-17-1.
no. 30
A portrait of a woman as an artist: Some research results concerning the career paths of female artists.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1999. ISBN 952-5253-15-5.
no. 28
Social Position of Artists in Finland.
Merja Heikkinen ja Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1997. ISBN 951-53-1606-5.
no. 26
Does Public Support Make a difference, and for Whom? The Role of Direct Support for Artists in Different Art Forms and its Relations to the Situation of Women Artists.
Merja Heikkinen and Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1996. ISBN 951-53-1013-X.
no. 25
Defining Art and Artists as a Methodological Problem and a Political Issue.
Paper Prepared for the ECPR Planning Session, Politics and the Arts, Bordeaux, April 27th–May 2nd 1995.
Merja Heikkinen and Sari Karttunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1995. ISBN 951-53-0972-7.
no. 24
The Finnish Reply to the Inquiry Concerning the Role of the State in the National and International Cultural Development.
Seminar "The Cultural Responsibility of the State", Stockholm, 19–20 August, 1994.
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1994. ISBN 951-53-0230-7.
no. 23
The Helsinki Metropolitan Area as a National and International Cultural Centre Area.
Henrikki Heikka. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1994. ISBN 951-53-0229-3.
no. 22
Effects of Direct Support on Artists' Incomes.
Merja Heikkinen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1994. ISBN 951-53-0228-5
no. 21
The Interaction between Artists' Professional Training and Employment in the Field of Finnish Theatre.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1994. ISBN 951-53-0227-7.
no. 20
The Role of Intermediary Bodies within the Finnish Public Cultural Administration.
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1994. ISBN 951-53-0226-9.
no. 19
Focus and Functions of Public Support for Artists in Finland.
Merja Heikkinen and Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1993. ISBN 951-47-8693-9.
no. 18
National Cultural Policy Framework and Trends in Finland.
Danielle Cliche, Auli Irjala and Eija Ristimäki. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1993. ISBN 951-47-8200-3.
no. 17
A Minority in Music. Women as Professional Composers and Musicians.
Auli Irjala. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1992. ISBN 951-47-6765-9.
no. 16
Survey on the Economic Situation and Social Status of the Artist in Finland.
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1992. ISBN 951-47-6266-5.
no. 11
Patterns of Cultural Participation and Consumption in Finland in the 1980's.
Ritva Mitchell. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991. ISBN 951-47-5492-1.
no. 10
Who is a Scenic Artist? Starting Points in the Study on Scenic Artists.
Paula Karhunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991. ISBN 951-47-4666-X.
no. 7
On the Arts and Employment in Finland.
Ritva Mitchell. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991. ISBN 951-47-4541-8.
no. 6
The Socio-economic Position of Composers and Musicians in Finland. Collection of Data.
Auli Irjala. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991. ISBN 951-47-4538-8.
no. 3
Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival. The Structure of the Festival's Economy and the Economic Impact of Festival.
Tuulikki Karjalainen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991. ISBN 951-47-4486-1.
no. 2
Evaluating Music Policy. Applying Ethnomusicological Frame of Reference of the Study of "A Political System Directing the Production of Music".
Matti Lahtinen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991. ISBN 951-47-4485-3.
no. 1
Why and How to Define an Artist? Types of Definitions and their Implications for Empirical Research Results.
Ritva Mitchell and Sari Karttunen. Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1991. ISBN 951-47-4484-5.
no. 7
Eija Ristimäki ja Tellervo Hyttinen (eds.). Arts Council of Finland and Prime Minister's Office. Helsinki 1998. ISBN 952-5253-02-3.
no. 4
VISION – Kuvakulmia taidekasvatukseen – Konstuppforstan i Finland – Arts Education in Finland.
Kuvat: Paula Kukkonen, Pertti Nisonen. Teksti: Paula Tuomikoski, Sirpa Moitus. Kirjastopalvelu Oy – Biblioteksservice Ab – Finnish Library Service Ltd. Helsinki 1992. ISBN 951-692-286-4.
no. 3
Handbook of Cultural Affairs in Finland
Ed. Ritva Mitchell. Kirjastopalvelu Oy – Finnish Library Service Ltd. Helsinki 1991. ISBN 951-692-251-1.
Other publications
Council of Europe: European Programme of National Cultural Policy Reviews
Cultural Policy in Finland. National Report.
Council of Europe: European Programme of National Cultural Policy Reviews.
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1995. ISBN 951-53-0507-1.
Cultural Policy in Finland. Report by the panel of European experts compiled by Jacques Renard.
Council of Europe: European Programme of National Cultural Policy Reviews.
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1995. ISBN 951-53-0508-X.
Joint publications by Arts Council of Finland and C.I.R.C.L.E
Trial, trust and tribulation. The Distribution of Roles and Changing Nature of Relations between Governments and Arts Councils, Associations and Foundations.
Anthony Everitt (ed.)
Report of the European Round Table held in Budapest 21-22 March 1994. C.I.R.C.L.E. Publication no 8 published by the Arts Council of Finland.
Arts Council of Finland. Helsinki 1996. ISBN 951-53-1077-6.
Human Rights and Cultural Policies in a Changing Europe. The Right to Participate in Cultural Life.
Rod Fisher, Brian Groombridge, Julia Häusermann, Ritva Mitchell (ed.)
Report of the European Round Table held in Helsinki 30 April–2 May 1993. C.I.R.C.L.E. Publication no 6 published by the Arts Council of Finland.
Helsinki University Press. Helsinki 1994. ISBN 951-47-9822-8.
Professional Managers for the Arts and Culture? Training of Cultural Administrators and Arts Managers in Europe.
Rod Fisher and Ritva Mitchell
Arts Council of Finland – Council of Europe. Council for Cultural Co-operation. C.I.R.C.L.E.
Helsinki University Press. Helsinki 1992. ISBN 951-47-6037-9.
New Measures for Financing the Arts and Culture.
Ritva Mitchell
The Arts Council of Finland – Council of Europe. Council for Cultural Co-operation. C.I.R.C.L.E.
Helsinki University Press. Helsinki 1989. ISBN 951-47-2759-2.
Taiteen keskustoimikunnan tukema EFAH -julkaisu EFAH publication supported by Arts Council of Finland
The Inventory. European Legislation & Policy that Affects the Cultural Sector.
M. Louise Scott and Justine Freeman
Brussels 1994.