Development programme for cultural diversity and mobility

The objectives of the programme are:
- To promote the understanding of diversity in the arts, intercultural dialogue and collaboration between majority and minority cultures
- To promote the mobility of artists
- To develop international networks with a focus on the Nordic countries and Barents region.
The regional artists and art experts involved in the programme implement projects related to cultural diversity and mobility throughout Finland in collaboration with other actors in these fields. They offer artists coaching and guidance for working in new operating environments.
Taike is active in international networks in these fields, participates in projects that promote international interaction and the mobility of artists, and supports internationalisation also in Finland.
Cultural diversity is promoted, for example, by organising events and workshops that create opportunities for intercultural dialogue through the means of art. The projects coordinate networks and collaboration with such parties as artists with a foreign background, immigrants and special groups.
This development programme for cultural diversity and mobility is continuous. The priorities of the programme are reviewed every 3–5 years, and the actions are reviewed annually.
Expert team