Clarification of how the subsidy was used must be submitted by the deadline stated in the subsidy decision.

Submit clarification before deadline
You can submit clarification using our e-services by filling in the online clarification form and attaching mandatory attachments. Clarification of how the subsidy was used must be submitted by the deadline stated in the subsidy decision.
If your financial statements have not been approved by the deadline stated in the decision, or if you need additional time for completing the clarification, you can apply for an extension using our e-services.
Failure to submit clarification may disqualify you from receiving future subsidies. If no clarification is submitted, you will have to repay the subsidy.
Checklist for submitting clarification
- The clarification should demonstrate that the subsidy was used in accordance with the project or operating plan provided in the application.
- Mandatory attachments should be attached to the clarification. If the attachments are not ready by the deadline, apply for an extension for submitting clarification well before the deadline.
- Taike does not send confirmation that the clarification has been approved. If the clarification is incomplete or further information is required, you will be contacted separately by Taike.
- If the subsidy was applied for using a paper application form instead of online using our e-services, the clarification must also be submitted using a separate paper clarification form. The clarification form is provided together with the decision, but you can also request one from our customer service.