Grant decisions at Taike are made by:
- State arts councils (artist grants and project grants)
- Regional arts councils (regional grants)
- Board for Grants and Subsidies to Writers and Translators (library grants for writers and translators, library subsidies)
- Board for Grants to Visual Artists (public display grants)
Evaluation of applications
Taike’s expert bodies evaluate each application. The awarding of grants is based on an evaluation, comparison and overall assessment of applications. Taike’s expert bodies consist of independent members. A regular turnover of members combined and regional representation ensure pluralism and equality in the decision-making process.
When evaluating applications, specific criteria and questions are used. The regional distribution and language of applicants are taken into consideration, as is the amount of available funding. Equality and fair treatment are also taken into account. The decision-making criteria are listed on the call for applications for each grant.
Presentation process
Grant decisions are made by Taike’s arts councils based on a presentation by a special advisor.
The presentation process is a decision-making method used in public administration, where the presenting official prepares the decision proposals and presents them to the competent decision-makers.
Decision-making schedule
Decisions for applications in autumn cannot be taken before the annual state budget is approved in January.
All grants are discretionary, so there is no automatic right to them, even if all the criteria are fulfilled. Decisions are not explained on a case-by-case basis.
All applicants are notified of the decision in writing via Taike’s e-services. Applicants are informed by e-mail when the decision can be accessed from our e-services. There may be a delay in e-mails from time to time, so you can check whether the decision has arrived directly from our e-services
Applicants who filled in an application on paper will receive the decision by post.
Grant and subsidy decisions may be appealed. Instructions for how to appeal are delivered to the applicant together with the decision in Taike’s e-services.
When processing appeals, the legality of the decision is evaluated, but the application itself is not evaluated again. Appeals must be applied for within 30 days of notification of the decision, and more detailed instructions are provided in the decision letter. The appeal decision is made by the same arts council or decision-maker who also made the original decision.
The processing time for appeals is 2–3 months on average. A person who is not satisfied with the appeal decision can appeal to the administrative court. As a rule, handling the case in the administrative court is subject to a fee.
Appeals can be made and sent via Taike’s e-services via the appeal link in connection with the relevant decision. The appeal and its attachments must be sent as separate attachment files. There can be a maximum of five attachments, and the maximum size for each attachment is 4 MB.