Application period for Taike grants and subsidies begins on 1 October

Artists and working groups can apply for project grants to fund projects in different artforms, as well as mobility grants and cultural diversity grants. The application period for grants begins on 1 October and ends on 11 November.
Communities can apply for seven different types of subsidies. The application period for subsidies begins on 1 October and ends on 2 November.
All calls for applications this autumn have been published on the Taike website in Finnish, Swedish and English. Links can be found below.
Changes in subsidies for communities
Three previous forms of support have been combined within operational subsidies: artist-in-residence subsidies and the two forms of operational subsidies within different artforms. In previous years, communities had to apply separately for artist-in-residence subsidies and operational subsidies within different artforms.
The second new call for applications is for subsidies for promoting accessibility, participation and wellbeing. This call for applications combines two previous forms of support: cultural wellbeing subsidies and subsidies for promoting the cultural activities of disability communities and the accessibility of culture.
These changes have no effect on the amount of funding to be awarded. authorisations
All subsidies must be applied for electronically. Communities can log in to Taike’s e-services through the identification portal. Communities may authorise a person or persons to act on their behalf. Electronic authorisations should be obtained well in advance before the end of the application period.
Further information:
Taike’s customer service [email protected], t. +358 295 330 700. Chat service Mon–Fri 10am–2pm.