Arts and Culture Barometer 2017: Young artists

The research will be carried out in the form of a survey that has been sent to all young artists under the age of 35 who applied for a grant from Taike in 2016. In addition, a link to the survey will be included in the electronic bulletins of various artist associations, as well as to artists who applied for grants from private foundations and funds, to the alumni of various educational institutions, and to the contacts of Taike’s regional artists.
If you are an artist under the age of 35, kindly respond to our survey by clicking on the link below. We hope that you will answer all the questions and freely express your personal opinions. The views of each young artist are very valuable in terms of the results of this year’s arts and culture barometer.
A prize drawing for a €500 “SuperLahjakortti” gift certificate will be held among all respondents to the survey.
Kindly respond to the survey by 15.10.2017 at the latest.
The Arts and Culture Barometer 2017 will be published in March 2018, at which time a seminar will be organised to discuss the theme.
Best regards,
Minna Sirnö, Director, Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Marjo Mäenpää, Director, Cupore
Members of the Arts and Culture Barometer Committee will be happy to answer any of your questions:
Maria Hirvi-Ijäs [email protected] , +358 50 463 5575
Eero Koski [email protected] +358 44 969 9782
Sakarias Sokka [email protected], +358 50 387 2728
Kaija Rensujeff [email protected] , +358 295 330 721