Central Arts Council appoints members to arts councils

The Central Arts Council selected the members of the arts councils on the basis of proposals submitted by art organisations, including universities and regional councils.
For the 2015-16 term, the scope of the arts councils has been further broadened. The National Council for the Performing Arts will award grants in the fields of theatre, performance and live art, dance and circus. The National Council for the Visual Arts will award grants in the fields of visual art, photographic art, and comics and illustrations. To prepare the peer reviews within each field of the arts, 14 subcommittees have also be appointed in connection with the national arts councils.
Six out of the nine members of the National Council for Interdisciplinary Art, Multiculturalism and International Activities represent other arts councils in order to promote collaboration between the arts councils. The responsibilities of the National Council for Interdisciplinary Art, Multiculturalism and International Activities shall include evaluating applications for travel grants, which were previously processed without the use of peer reviews. The subcommittee for multiculturalism will evaluate applications in the field of multiculturalism and further reinforce the council’s expertise in cultural diversity.
“The new appointments ensure a wide range of art expertise and regional representation. We look forward to an active dialogue between the different fields of the arts and arts councils,” says Tiina Rosenberg, Chair of the Central Arts Council.
The Central Arts Council and arts councils are expert bodies of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. The arts councils decide on the awarding of grants and awards to artists, artist groups and communities on the basis of peer reviews, each with its own field and region.
Further information: Esa Rantanen, Head of Arts Support, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, t. +358 295 330 720, [email protected] and Tiina Rosenberg, Chair, Central Arts Council, [email protected]