Call for projects within Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise ESF+ theme open until 15 May

National ESF+ funding is available for implementing pilot and development projects that strengthen the creative industries, creative economy, and expertise within the arts and culture sectors.
The aim is to increase collaboration between sectors, strengthen business expertise within the creative industries, and create common operating models with other sectors. In addition, the aim is to develop expertise in producing new arts and culture services.
“ESF+ funding enables development work that would not be possible in the regular operations of actors in these sectors. The proposed project activities should focus primarily on private customers, and the purpose of the funding is to benefit as wide a group as possible,” says Minna Taipale, Finance Specialist at the ELY Centre for Häme.
Applicants may be, for example, associations, foundations, companies, learning institutes, research institutes, municipalities or service providers. The national ESF+ call for projects is open until 15 May on the EURA 2021 system.
The ELY Centre for Häme serves as the funding authority for the programme. The total amount of funding available to projects during the 2021–2027programme period is 13.6 million euros. The Creative Net coordination team at the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) is coordinating the projects and providing sparring.
Support for developing project ideas and networking
The Creative Net coordination team at Taike supports collaboration among projects, provides communications, and gathers and disseminates good operating models from the projects. One of the goals of Creative Net is to activate more actors within the arts, culture and creative sectors to apply for funding.
“We want to help create project networks that include not only the strong expertise of the main actors in these sectors but also the agility and innovation of smaller actors,” says Sofia-Charlotta Kakko, Project Manager of the Creative Net at Taike.
Together with the ELY Centre for Häme, the Creative Net coordination team is organising thematic workshops for developing project ideas.
“We hope to bring together different actors at our workshops in order to create larger project entities whose activities would continue even after the end of the programme,” Kakko continues.
The workshops will take place in March and are free of charge and open to everyone. Further information about workshops is available here.
A Creative Net LinkedIn group has been created to support networking. All those who are interested in the ESF+ call for applications and project ideas are invited to join the group.
Find out more about the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise ESF+ theme.
Further information
ELY Centre for Häme, Minna Taipale, Financing Specialist, [email protected], +358 (0)295 025 106
Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), Sofia-Charlotta Kakko, Project Manager, [email protected], +358 (0)295 330 912
Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), Pia Repo, Producer, [email protected], +358 (0)295 330 857