Creative Net project sparring
Calls for applications within the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise ESF+ theme are open from 13 January to 31 March 2025. Funding is available for nationwide projects that strengthen the creative industries and creative economy or expertise within the arts and culture sector.
There are two calls for applications in the current application round:
- The call for applications for traditional development projects covers wide-ranging expertise and innovation projects that meet the needs of the arts, culture and creative sector.
- The second call for applications is for pilot projects, funding for which will be paid as a lump sum (total budget may not exceed 200,000 euros). These projects can be more one-off experiments that respond to the development needs of the creative sector.
Find out more about the contents of the calls for applications
Creative Net’s sparring offers perspectives on the suitability of project ideas and finalising more advanced project applications.
The sparring sessions are held on Teams. You will receive a calendar invitation and a Teams link in your e-mail after registering. You can forward the invitation to potential project partners who are involved in planning the project and want to participate in the sparring session.
Sparring is available in Finnish or English. The sparring sessions are conducted by experts from Taike’s Creative Net project.
Idea sparring
Duration: 20 minutes, time agreed separately
Are you wondering if your project idea is suitable for ESF+ funding? Idea sparring focuses on assessing whether your idea is suitable for funding under the theme, and if so, which of the two calls for applications is better suited to your idea.
The time reserved for each sparring session is 20 minutes per applicant, so prepare in advance:
- Present your project idea in brief: needs, objectives, target groups and actions (max. 5 min)
- Familiarise yourself with the aims of the ESF+ theme
- Think of questions in advance that will help you with your project planning
- Refer to frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Idea sparring sessions are organised on a continuous basis upon request in order to allow as many people interested in funding as possible to receive support before writing an application. If you would like to participate in idea sparring, send us an e-mail at [email protected].
Application sparring
Do you need support in finalising your ESF+ project application? Application sparring sessions are aimed at those who are well advanced with their application and especially those who are applying for ESF+ funding for the first time.
The aim of application sparring is to clarify and develop your project application. During the session, you will receive expert support and feedback on the content and structure of your application.
You can participate in application sparring if:
- Your ESF+ application has been entered into the EURA 2021 system.
- You have familiarised yourself with the ESF+ funding terms.
- A draft of your project application can be sent to the Creative Net team in advance.
Application sparring 17–18 March, 20–21 March
Duration: 45 minutes
If you plan to participate in application sparring in March, be prepared to send your draft application to the Creative Net team by 4pm on 12 March.
Apply for Application Sparring in March
Further information
Sofia-Charlotta Kakko, Special Advisor, Creative Net, Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike)
[email protected]
Pia Repo, Advisor, Creative Net, Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike)
[email protected]
Creative Net, [email protected]
Taiteen edistämiskeskuksen Luova verkko -hanke koordinoi valtakunnallista Luovan ja kulttuurialan innovaatio-osaamisen ESR+-teemaa.
Luova verkko auttaa taiteen, kulttuurin ja luovan alan toimijoita hakemaan ESR+-rahoitusta sekä tukee rahoituksen saaneita hankkeita.