Grants and subsidies totalling 765,000 euros awarded to promote cultural diversity and combat racism

The National Council for Mobility and Diversity in the Arts awarded grants for art and cultural projects that promote multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue and combat racism. The grants are also intended to enhance the opportunities of artists with immigrant backgrounds or who belong to ethnic minorities to carry out artistic activities and to participate in Finnish art life on an equal basis.
Altogether 36 artists and working groups have been awarded grants for promoting cultural diversity and combating racism. The total number of applications was 197. The awarded grants amounted to 130,000 euros.
Taike also awarded subsidies for promoting cultural diversity and combating racism totalling 635,000 euros. The biggest subsidy, for 45,000 euros, was awarded to Kassandra ry. Venäläinen Kulttuuridemokraattinen Liitto ry received 31,000 euros and Suomen Romaniyhdistys ry 28,000 euros. Altogether 84 communities were awarded subsidies. The total number of applications was 115.
Taike awards these subsidies to promote cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. Taike supports the cultural activities of immigrants and national minorities, projects that combat racism, and the integration of immigrants by means of art and culture. These subsidies are not intended for general activities or projects that promote the integration of immigrants (such as Finnish language courses or employment schemes) or for practicing religion.
The National Council for Mobility and Diversity in the Arts is an expert body of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) that makes decisions on the basis of peer reviews for granting grants and state prizes to artists, artist groups and communities. Taike also consults with the council when awarding subsidies to communities.
Applications are reviewed by the members of the National Council for Mobility and Diversity in the Arts, as well as by the following members of the Panel for Cultural Diversity: Aleksander Anria (theatre director, actor), Riihimäki; Andrea Botero (researcher, service designer), Helsinki; Arnold Chiwalala (artist, educator), Espoo; Nura Farah (author), Helsinki; Sari Pikkarainen (dance instructor), Helsinki; and Tahir Aliyev (TV and film producer), Helsinki.
Further information: Lea Halttunen, Special Advisor, [email protected], t. +358 295 330 713
Grants (total 130 000 €)
Aalto-Setälä Miina, Heinola, 4 000 €
Awarded to a working group (8) For covering the costs of a participatory dance improvisation piece
Abbasi Fardin, Jyväskylä, 2 500 €
Awarded to a working group (3) for recording an album
Ahkami Fereidun, Helsinki, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (3) for writing a work of fiction
Ahola Outi, Helsinki, 5 000 €
Awarded to a working group (3) for documenting a multicultural human rights campaign
Al-Nawas Ahmed, Helsinki, 5 000 €
For the production of an Arabic creative writing workshop series
Autio Julia, Helsinki, 4 000 €
Awarded to a working group (5) to cover the working costs of the musical "Meri niin suuri" at the Omapohja Studio of the Finnish National Theatre
Baltzar Veijo, Tammisaari, 1 500 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for translating the film script "Sodassa ja rakkaudessa" into English and For covering the costs of international production negotiations
Crisologo Roxana, Helsinki, 4 500 €
SANAHUONE - Poetry Sound Rooms organised by Sivuvalo Multilingual Literature project
Mikiyas Getachew (Miki Mac), Vantaa, 4 000 €
For the making of a promo recording and music video
Ghanoom Ghatfan, Helsinki, 4 500 €
Awarded to a working group (4) for producing and running the Scandinavian International Film Festival (SCIFF)
Grönqvist Janica, Helsinki, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for post-production work the documentary film “Kaikkein heikoimmille", including sound, music and animations
Hamidi Mahdi, Vaasa, 7 000 €
Awarded to a working group (15) For covering the costs of the project “A Bigger Heart: Stories of us”
Haswell Nicholas, Tampere, 2 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for directing art workshops and producing animations for immigrant children and young persons
Hänninen Heidi, Helsinki, 4 000 €
For community art in Kontula, Helsinki
Kangas Sunna, Helsinki, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (10) for producing the exhibition “Consequences - Sodan seuraukset”
Keva Arsi, Tampere, 1 500 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for designing and printing a wall calendar in the Sami language
Konate Linda, Helsinki, 5 000 €
Awarded to a working group (5) for the contemporary African dance performance “Dambe” with kantele music
Kristinsson Magnus, Helsinki, 2 000 €
A performance piece in cooperation with the Via Negativa group from Slovenia
Kukko Sakari, Helsinki, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (10) for producing a recording
Lillqvist Katariina, Helsinki, 8 000 €
For the Romani culture environmental art event "Lasarettileiri"
Lindfors Sonya, Helsinki, 4 000 €
Awarded to a working group (8) to cover the wages of six performers in the Cosmic Latte dance piece
Lukala Maria, Turku, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for a community art project and artwork in Lausteen Lähiötupa
Manninen Tuuli, Helsinki, 4 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for preparing the “Juurikaiku” sound installation as requested by the Skolt Sámi Cultural Foundation
Mponda Menard, Tampere, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (6) for the Menard Mponda and Cheza Ngoma 20th year production
Mughal Maria, Helsinki, 3 000 €
For covering the costs of preparing exhibition pieces
Nieminen Petteri, Liperi, 3 500 €
Awarded to a working group (3) for the project “Multiculturalism in concert music – a concert about minorities among minorities”
Nissi Uma, Oulu, 5 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for finishing and printing the book “Kaukovainio – lähiötarinoita”
Osanen Merja (Mekku Osanen), Kokemäki, 2 000 €
Art project “New home and new letters” with asylum seekers
Reichstein Alexander, Helsinki, 2 500 €
For producing the exhibition project “Seven children’s rooms”
Saari Eino, Kajaani, 2 500 €
Awarded to a working group (4) for the community theatre performance “Rinnakkain vieraat”
Shahmardan Kamran, Imatra, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for the play “Reviisori”
Tuominen Suvi, Helsinki, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for the performance “Tuau”
Turunen Hannele, Joensuu, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for preparing and producing a performance
van de Kreeke Keanne, Hirsjärvi, 3 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for writing and illustrating an illustrated book
Viljanen Mikko, Helsinki, 5 000 €
Awarded to a working group (2) for the pilot project “Liikkuva elokuvakoulu turvapaikanhakijoille - Mobile Film School Initiative”
Åkerlund Anette, Helsinki, 4 000 €
For a performance in Inari combining Romani and Sami music
Operating subsidies (total 165 500 €)
Catalysti Association of Transcultural Artists ry, Helsinki, 10 000 €
For multicultural and multidisciplinary art events
European theatre collective association ry, Helsinki, 12 000 €
For cultural activities
Joensuun seudun monikulttuurisuusyhdistys ry, Joensuu, 14 500 €
For cultural activities
Karjalan Kielen Seura ry, Joensuu, 15 000 €
For cultural activities
Kassandra ry, Helsinki, 45 000 €
For cultural activities
RASMUS - Rasismin ja muukalaispelon vastainen yhdistys ry, Helsinki, 10 000 €
For combating racism and consolidating and expanding these activities
Suomen Romaniyhdistys ry, Helsinki, 28 000 €
For cultural activities and promoting the Romani language
Venäläinen Kulttuuridemokraattinen Liitto ry, Helsinki, 31 000 €
For club and cultural activities, combating racism and developing these activities
Special subsidies (total 469 500 €)
"Äs-sänääbil" arabilaisen kulttuurin yhdistys, Espoo, 2 500 €
For projects promoting their own language and culture
African Care ry, Helsinki, 2 500 €
For Women’s Day party and covering costs of participating in festivals
Albaaniyhdistys Bashkimi ry, Turku, 4 000 €
For covering the costs of the “Kultur-AL” project and other cultural projects
Anti - Contemporary Art Festival ry, Kuopio, 10 000 €
For the POMPPU art project
Arabialais-suomalaisten perheiden yhdistys ry, Helsinki, 3 000 €
For the project “My friends of other cultures” and other cultural projects
Art-Master ry, Jyväskylä, 10 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Bosnialaisten Kulttuurikeskus Suomessa ry, Turku, 4 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Dream Catcher Oy, Helsinki, 7 000 €
To develop a new combined print version
Drom ry, Helsinki, 17 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Elokuvaosuuskunta Camera Cagliostro, Tampere, 5 000 €
For the Romani museum project at Venetsiatalo, Lapinlahti
Espoon esittävän taiteen koulun kannatusyhdistys ry, Espoo, 6 000 €
For covering the costs of a young persons’ multicultural theatre group and multicultural women’s expression group
Etnika-Kainuu ry, Kajaani, 14 500 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects and projects to combat racism
Familia ry, Helsinki, 3 000 €
For organising the photography exhibition “New Finns” outside Helsinki Region
Feministiskt nätverk rf, Helsinki, 10 000 €
For covering the costs of the “FemF ART” art exhibition
Hakunilan kansainvälinen yhdistys ry, Vantaa, 11 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Helsinki International Theatre Association ry, Helsinki, 7 000 €
To cover the production costs of the Russian-Finnish joint project “Kirje äidiltä”
HiCH ry, Helsinki, 10 000 €
For preparing the documentary series “52 valoa”
Holokaustin uhrien muisto ry, Helsinki, 2 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Iftin-Seura ry, Espoo, 4 000 €
For organising an anti-racism week
Igbo Union ry, Helsinki, 2 000 €
For promoting the Igbo language and culture and anti-racism projects
IhmeFilmi ry, Helsinki, 5 000 €
"IhmeSuomi" film series
Jyväskylän Feniks Ry, Jyväskylä, 5 000 €
For covering the costs of art clubs
Kaakonkulman Kulttuurimylly ry, Kotka, 10 000 €
For the “All Colours” project
Kansainvälinen kulttuuriseura Mira ry, Vaasa, 8 500 €
For a multicultural project in the Vaasa region
Kansan Radioliitto ry - Folkets radioförbund rf, Helsinki, 10 000 €
For a radio programme and information services on local radio and social media for minority groups
Keski-Aasian kansojen yhdistys Julduz ry, Helsinki, 5 000 €
For the festival “Lumottu silkkitien tarinat”
Konsom-nuoret ry, Helsinki, 5 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects and club activities
Kulttuurikameleontit ry, Helsinki, 5 000 €
For the project “Equality through art”
Kulttuuriosuuskunta Uulu, Tampere, 6 000 €
For multicultural nationwide concert activities
Kustannusosakeyhtiö Teatteri, Helsinki, 3 000 €
For covering the costs of the project “New voices being heard – how people with foreign backgrounds see Finnish performances”
Lasten teatteriyhdistys Pelikan ry, Helsinki, 5 000 €
For covering the costs of the theatre club
Learning for integration ry, Helsinki, 3 000 €
For developing a play group model for bilingual children
Leikkiteatteri-yhdistys ry, Pori, 7 500 €
For organising drama adventure and play theatre days at reception centres
Lieksan Somali perheyhdistys ry, Lieksa, 10 000 €
For developing multicultural activities and combating racism
Logrus - kansainvälinen nuorisoaloitteiden tukiyhdistys ry, Helsinki, 5 000 €
For covering the costs of organising eco events
Lukukeskus - Läscentrum ry, Helsinki, 7 000 €
For organising stage poetry workshops and open mic evenings, especially for young people with immigrant backgrounds
Monikulttuurinen päivähoito, koulu ja koti ry, Turku, 3 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Musiikkikoulu Musiken Kannatusyhdistys ry, Vantaa, 5 000 €
For the project “The joy of music without borders”
Musiikkiyhdistys pro Sommelo ry, Kuhmo, 2 000 €
For promoting cultural diversity and combating racism at events organised by Musiikkiyhdistys pro Sommelo
Neda ry, Helsinki, 2 000 €
For covering the costs of the project “Skilled hands”
Nuoren Voiman Liitto ry, Helsinki, 3 000 €
For covering the costs of “With two languages” writers’ groups
Oikeudet ilman rajoja ry, Helsinki, 6 000 €
For covering the costs of the multidisciplinary and multilingual anti-racism media project Signal
OSIRIS teatteriyhdistys ry, Helsinki, 15 000 €
For the multicultural and anti-racism activities of the OSIRIS theatre
Osuuskunta SummArt, Helsinki, 2 000 €
For promoting multicultural service offerings
Oulun sarjakuvaseura ry, Oulu, 3 000 €
For a comic book language café
Pirkanmaan rasismin vastaisen työn tuki ry, Tampere, 5 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects and anti-racism projects
Rauhankasvatusinstituutti ry, Helsinki, 4 500 €
For the project “Suitcases of the world school”
Russkij klub g. Tampere, Tampereen venäläinen klubi ry, Tampere, 3 500 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Satakunnan Monikulttuuriyhdistys ry, Pori, 8 000 €
For the project “Cultural exchanges to schools and meeting places”
Savonlinnan seudun romanilähetys ry, Savonlinna, 10 000 €
For projects promoting the cultural identity, language and culture of the Romani population in the Savonlinna region
Sirkus Magenta ry, Helsinki, 6 000 €
For art and culture projects aimed at children and young people in the multicultural Havukoski neighbourhood
Somaliland Seura ry, Helsinki, 7 000 €
For promoting the integration of immigrants with Somali backgrounds by means of art and culture
SONDIP - Varsinais-Suomen monikulttuuristen yhdistysten liitto ry, Turku, 9 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Spektr Kustannus Oy, Helsinki, 7 000 €
For covering the costs of the event and information pages of Spektr magazine
StepEurope ry, Turku, 5 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Suomalais-pakistanilainen kulttuuriyhdistys ry, Tampere, 2 000 €
For the project “Culture exchange with elderly people”
Suomen somalialaisten liitto ry, Helsinki, 7 500 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects and promoting integration through culture
Suomen Somalia-verkosto ry, Helsinki, 6 000 €
For organising the Iska Warran 2018 conference in Helsinki
Suomen venäjänkielinen kirjallinen yhdistys ry, Helsinki, 2 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Suomen Venäjänkielisten Keskusjärjestö ry, Helsinki, 10 000 €
For developing cultural and anti-racism activities and promoting dialogue between demographic groups at the Graniitti activity centre.
Suomen Venäjänkielisten Yhdistysten Liitto ry, Helsinki, 10 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
SuperKids Ry, Espoo, 4 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Tampereen Venäläisen kulttuurin keskus ry, Tampere, 4 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects and anti-racism projects
Teatteriyhdistys Metamorfoosi ry, Helsinki, 6 000 €
For continuing the “Culture Café Kaiffari” project
Tiedon julkistamisen kulttuuritehdas ry, Helsinki, 6 000 €
For covering the costs of the “RIMLAB multicultural music workshops” project
Tornion kaupunki, Tornio, 5 000 €
For covering the costs of the “Substance has many forms” equality project
Tuglas-seura ry, Helsinki, 4 000 €
For covering the costs of Estonian language cultural events and get-togethers for Finnish-Estonian children and young people
Turun Afganistanilainen nuorisokulttuuriseura ry, Turku, 4 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Turun kurdiyhdistys ry, Turku, 4 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Turun lähiradioyhdistys ry, Turku, 8 000 €
For producing multilingual and multicultural radio programmes
Täysillä ry, Helsinki, 10 000 €
For preparing a dance performance concert
Ukrainalaisten yhdistys Suomessa ry, Helsinki, 6 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects and promoting the Ukrainian language
Universum ry, Helsinki, 12 000 €
For continuing the “Story Sharing Universum” project
Videootit ry, Tampere, 9 500 €
For covering the costs of the “Media from us and the world” photography and film workshops
Vähemmistöryhmien tukijärjestö, Omega ry, Mikkeli, 5 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects
Yhdessä-yhdistys /Together-association ry, Turku, 4 000 €
For covering the costs of cultural projects