State Prize for Music to Maarit Hurmerinta

As a singer Hurmerinta reflects the strong traditions of ’60 and ‘70s soul and rock, while also possessing the gifts of improvised jazz expression. With her easily recognisable and unique voice, she stands apart from her predecessors and contemporaries alike.
In addition to her own albums, Hurmerinta has also made guest appearances on works by various other composers and songwriters. A number of records also feature her own compositions, as well as those of her husband Sami Humerinta, with whom she has worked and made records in close cooperation since the early years of her career.
The state prize was awarded by the National Council for Music. The prize award ceremony hosted by Minister of Education and Culture Sanni Grahn-Laasonen took place on 25 November in Helsinki. The EUR 13,500 state prize is financed from lottery funds.