State Prize for Theatre to theatre group DuvTeatern and Mika Myllyaho

Through its operations that combine a strong sense of artistic integrity and long-term engagement with a socially inclusive way of working, DuvTeatern has created performing arts of great artistic value.
DuvTeatern works in an ethically sustainable manner, combining performing arts with pedagogical operations and audience work on issues such as accessibility. At the same time, the theatre is creating a new meaningful and inclusive performing arts landscape – quite simply, a better society.
DuvTeatern has worked with both larger institutions and the free performing arts field, achieving meaningful results both socially and artistically.
While serving as Director of the Finnish National Theatre, Mika Myllyaho has created an exceptionally informed cultural policy that reflects views and aims beyond just those of the theatre world. Myllyaho’s will and capabilities in terms of cooperation have helped produce fresh art, effective productions and an inquisitive audience relationship.
Inspired by the staff’s ideas, Lavaklubi has become a “loss-leader”, helping to maintain the Finnish National Theatre’s identity. The Sunday matinees have returned, and visiting performances have explored new forms of dance, circus and theatre. The touring theatre has been taken to closed institutions, while also working with immigrants and suburban residents.
The state prize was awarded by the National Council for the Performing Arts. The prize award ceremony hosted by Minister of Education and Culture Sanni Grahn-Laasonen took place on 25 November in Helsinki. The EUR 13,500 state prize is financed from lottery funds.