
Eloon! tour: Lapland’s creative networks in the innovation work of companies

The Eloon! tour organised by Creative Net and Suomen Yrittäjät – the Federation of Finnish Enterprises arrives in Rovaniemi on 8 October. The theme of the event is “Lapland’s creative networks in the innovation work of companies”. On the tour, professionals from the business and creative sectors get the chance to collaborate and come up with creative solutions to the challenges of regional vitality.
Teksti: Eloon! Lapin luovat verkostot yritysten innovaatiotyössä 8.10.2024.

Event information

Event date

Tue 8.10.2024 at 09.00 — 15.00


Y-North (Aittatie 3, 96320 Rovaniemi)

In the vast region of Lapland, multidisciplinary networks represent valuable capital. How do distances affect networks in which innovations are shared and new ideas are created? How can business life and the arts, culture and creative sector interact in developing innovations?

The Eloon! tour arrives in Rovaniemi in October to discuss the theme “Lapland's creative networks in the innovation work of companies”.

Join us to brainstorm how collaboration between different sectors and localities can be bolstered in Lapland together with development and innovation activities! 

The event is aimed at companies and entrepreneurs working in the creative fields and other industries in Lapland. It offers a unique opportunity to meet professionals from various industries and develop new business opportunities between traditional sectors and the creative fields.



9:00 Morning coffee

9:15 Opening words
Sonja Antosalo, Suomen Yrittäjät – the Federation of Finnish Enterprises
Sofia-Charlotta Kakko, Creative Net, Arts Promotion Centre Finland

9:20 Presentation of the Vitality Challenge
City of Rovaniemi

9:30 Case study
Ari Lehtola, Sodankylä Film Festival

9:50 Artistic content

10:00 Workshop begins

12:00 Networking lunch

13:00 Radical creativity
Riikka Mäkikoskela, Aalto University

13:15 Workshop continues

14:15 Afternoon coffee

14:30 Summary and a look to the future

15:00 Event ends 

18:00 Evening event: Creative North Sessions – Vitalising Lapland’s Creativity (Y-North)
Lapland Brand 2.0 Project, Regional Council of Lapland

Register by 30 September

The event can accommodate a total of 50 participants, half from traditional business sectors and half from the creative sectors.

Due to limited capacity, only one representative from each organisation can attend. Priority is given for participants who can participate on both days. Please note that registration is binding. 

Participation in the event is free of charge, and morning coffee, lunch and afternoon coffee are included in the workshop. The catered evening event is organised by the Lapland Brand 2.0 Project of the Regional Council of Lapland. Register for the evening event by 4 October.


Eloon! tour

What new ideas emerge when traditional business sectors meet creative sectors?

Eloon! tour brings together actors from traditional business sectors with representatives of the arts, culture and the creative industries. The goal is to come up with new solutions to the challenges of regional vitality.

The Eloon! tour will take place in autumn 2024 and visit four locations: Lappeenranta, Jyväskylä, Rovaniemi and Rauma.

The Eloon! tour is being organised by Suomen Yrittäjät – the Federation of Finnish Enterprises and the Creative Net project (ESF+) of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike). The event in Rovaniemi is also being organised by the City of Rovaniemi, the Regional Council of Lapland, the ELY Centre for Lapland and the Strategic Growth in Transition Project (ESF+). Lapin Yrittäjät and the University of Lapland are also involved in the collaboration.

Read more about the Eloon! tour


Further information

Sofia-Charlotta Kakko, Project Manager, Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike), [email protected], +358 295 330 912

Sonja Antosalo, Specialist, Suomen Yrittäjät, [email protected], +358 50 303 7846

Visual design of the Eloon! tour: Aino Papinniemi