
Info briefing: Outlook for discretionary government grants in 2025

Taike will hold an info briefing on the outlook for discretionary government grants in 2025 on Friday 6 September at 11–12:30. The info briefing will be held online as a webinar. The link will be published on this page closer to the event.
A magnifying glass on a blue background, surrounded by confetti.

Event information

Event date

Fri 6.9.2024 at 11.00 — 12.00

Event type


The Government will discuss the draft budget for 2025 at its budget session on 3-4. September. The main category for the Ministry of Education and Culture includes a total of EUR 65 million euros in cuts to discretionary government grants for 2025. It appears that there will be no cuts to artist grants or artist pensions.

At the event, Taike will present its own views on the outlook for discretionary government grants and its other arts promotion activities on the basis of the draft budget. In the challenging financial situation, Taike will strive to secure the operating conditions of the arts and culture sector as well as possible and to look to the future beyond 2025. The scale of the adjustments may mean changes to Taike’s forms of support, such as suspending certain calls for applications temporarily. 

The event will be mainly in Finnish, but questions can also be presented in Swedish and English.

Further information: 

Henri Terho, Head of Arts Support, [email protected], t. +358 295 330 901