
Info briefing on restructuring of Taike’s arts councils

The Ministry of Education and Culture and the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) are preparing for the restructuring of Taike’s arts councils. We welcome you to attend our online info briefing on the subject on Monday 17 June from 12:30 to 13:30.

Event information

Event date

Mon 17.6.2024 at 12.30 — 13.30

Event type


The planned restructuring is in response to, among other things, the increased workload of the arts councils and the uneven distribution of work. Various stakeholders and representatives of the arts sector are being consulted with during the preparatory work.

The info briefing will discuss changes to the peer review work of the arts councils. The working group has already decided on the structure of one arts council, within which applications will be evaluated by review panels. This model utilises a pool of 200 experts from which application-specific review panels can be assembled, as well as one multidisciplinary committee. All grant applications received by Taike will be evaluated by panels based on the principle of peer review. The final decisions will be made by the arts council based on the evaluation of the panels.

The current structure of Taike’s arts councils has been in use since 2013. The new structure dismantles the previous sectoral and regional arts councils. The key reasons for the restructuring include the greater flexibility offered by evaluation system, the ability to react to the changing needs of the arts sector, a more even distribution of evaluation work, and better management of situations involving conflicts of interest.

The changes will be presented by Taike Director Kaisa Rönkkö and Henri Terho, Head of Arts Support.

The restructuring is part of the preparations for legislative changes affecting Taike, the consultations for which will take place in autumn 2024. The new law is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2026.

Further information about the background of the restructuring is available on the Taike website (in Finnish) at  https://www.taike.fi/fi/blogit/toimikuntarkenne-uudistus-etenee.

You do not need to register for the event in advance. The event will be held in Finnish, but questions can also be presented in Swedish and English. The materials will be distributed after the event in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Further information

Henri Terho, Head of Arts Support
[email protected], t. +358 295 330 901