Information about project grants

General information about project grants
Project grants are intended for professional artists and working groups formed by them for individual projects. The application periods for project grants is in spring (regional calls for applications) and autumn (calls for applications for project grants). Project grants must be used within two years, and the project must begin during the calendar year in which the grant was awarded.
Detailed terms and restrictions for using the specific type of grant can be found in the corresponding call for applications.
- State arts councils decide on project grant applications submitted during the call for applications in autumn.
- Regional arts councils decide on project grant applications submitted during the call for applications in spring.
- Working groups may also apply for project grants.
- The minimum amount for project grants is 2500 euros.
- If the project includes artistic work that is to be covered by the grant, indicate the amount of working time that is being applied for in months. The amount of the grant used to cover work can be calculated as 2000 euros/month.
Amount to apply for and project budget
For project grants, you must always specify in euros the amount you are applying for.
Apply for a realistic amount. Check the call for applications to see whether a minimum amount has been specified. You cannot be awarded a grant if you apply for less than the minimum amount. At the same time, applying for an unrealistically large amount can detract from the credibility of your project.
The bigger the project for which you are applying for a grant, the bigger the role played by other financing. If your project is particularly big, you should apply for support from as many parties as possible. State appropriations may not be used to cover all expenses except on special grounds.
Project budget
Prepare a project budget that includes a cost estimate and financing plan.
- Itemise clearly all the expected income (financing plan) and expenses (cost estimate), which must tally in the budget.
- Group expenses according to their purpose; the overall sum alone is not enough.
- Report any self-financing for the project, as well as other grants that have been applied for and awarded for the project, along with previously secured income.
- Indicate the overall project budget even if you only apply for partial funding. This will give the decision-maker an overall picture of your project.
- When estimating the share of your own working expenses, you can estimate 2000 euros/month, which corresponds to the monthly sum of an artist grant.
Applying as a working group
- The application is filled in by the contact person for the working group, who includes the names and personal identification numbers of the other group members.
- The contact person includes with the application a brief description of the artistic activities of all members of the group.
- Each member of the group is responsible for how the grant is used and reported. The contact person is responsible for submitting clarification of how the grant was used before the deadline.
- Artist grants, working grants, library grants and public display grants are not awarded to working groups.
- Any member of the working group may participate in applying for funding for another working group’s project or apply for a project grant individually.