
Annual statistics 2023: Taike awards 49.7 million euros in support for the arts and culture

The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) supported the arts and culture in 2023 by awarding 49.7 million euros in the form of grants, subsidies and prizes. According to the latest statistics, which have just been published, the number of applicants and applications continued to grow, while the number of positive decisions decreased compared to the previous year.
Julkaisun kansikuva. Pylväskaaviomaiset palkit ja otsikko: "Taiken tuki taiteen ja kulttuurin edistämiseen 2023".

A record number of applications, 16,468 in total, were received in 2023 – 23 percent more than in 2022. The number of individual applicants increased by 17 percent compared to 2022.

The number of applicants has continued to grow since 2020. At the same time, however, the number of awarded grants and subsidies has decreased. On average, 23 percent of applicants were awarded a grant or subsidy in 2023, compared to 27% in 2022 and 35% in 2019.

The geographical distribution remained relatively unchanged compared to previous years. Altogether 49 percent of applicants and 48 percent of recipients were from the Helsinki metropolitan area.

The total amount awarded in euros increased most in Southwest Finland (up by €453,000), Central Finland (€169,000) and Northern Ostrobothnia (€142,000) and decreased most in Uusimaa (down by €193,000), Ostrobothnia (€122,000) and Kainuu (€105,000).

In recent years, the amount awarded in subsidies for communities in particular has increased and is now at the same level as the amount awarded in grants to individuals. The increase in the overall amount awarded in the form of subsidies for communities reflects both the forms of support transferred from other agencies to Taike and Taike’s internal policies to strengthen funding for communities.

Altogether, Taike awarded 49.7 million euros in 2023 in the form of grants, subsidies and prizes, representing an increase of 0.7% compared to the previous year.

Changes to financing

The year 2023 was the last in which Taike’s support for the arts and culture was financed from both the state budget and gaming revenues, the former accounting for 48 percent and the latter for 52 percent of awarded funding. 

As of 1 January 2024, gaming revenues are part of the general state budget, as a result of which the discretionary government grants awarded by Taike are financed in full from the state budget. 

Download our annual statistics

Taike support for the arts and culture in 2023 (in Finnish)

Annual statistics for previous years

Annual statistics published by Taike and its predecessor, the Arts Council of Finland, can be found on the Taike website.

Further information

Henri Terho, Head of Arts Support,
[email protected], t. +358 295 330 901