Application period for Taike subsidies for communities begins on 1 October

The application period for communities begins on 1 October and ends on 2 November 2021. Similarly to last year, the call for applications for operational subsidies includes both operational subsidies and artist-in-residence subsidies within different artforms.
Cuts are being made to Taike’s budget that will affect the awarding of subsidies. Appropriations for most arts will be cut by around 15%. According to preliminary information, the cuts apply to almost all appropriations allocated to Taike from gaming revenues. For example, the amount of support available to cultural magazines in the form of special subsidies will decrease significantly compared to last year.
Three-year operational subsidies for all artforms
This autumn, communities in different fields of the arts can apply for three-year operational subsidies. The last time Taike awarded multi-year subsidies was three years ago, when they were offered only to performing arts communities due to changes in the system of central government transfers to local government for the performing arts.
The minimum amount of each three-year operational subsidy is 50,000 euros per year. These subsidies are intended to promote the long-term development of communities, for which reason applicants should include with their applications their operating plan and budget for the next three years.
Communities applying for three-year subsidies must have a solid financial footing. Operational subsidies awarded by Taike may be used to cover no more than 60 percent of eligible operating expenses, meaning that the applicant’s own financial contribution must be at least 40 percent.
When reviewing applications, the volume of operations is also taken into account. The community’s operating income for the three previous years must average 100,000 euros or more per year.
Application period ends on 2 November
Calls for applications will be published on the Taike website by 1 October. Calls for applications should be read carefully before filling in an application. Applicants can see what kinds of projects and operations have been supported by Taike in the past by referring to : 1 October – 2 November