Arts Promotion Centre Finland|Uusimaa is organizing an open SEWING DEMONSTRATION 24.4. in City Center against throwaway culture and mass consumption

Sewing machines on the demonstration will be started at 9:00. Help us to keep the machines running for 12 hours, the same as normal working hours of Bangladeshian worker.
You can bring garment you wish to repair with you. SuoMu's Sewingclub will help you to fix it! Free tutoring, tools, and materials. Note: Only clean clothes for repairing, please.
There will be also more information about international Fashion Revolution campaign, of which SEWING DEMONSTRATION is a part of.
Sewing demonstration is arranged by
Taiteen edistämiskeskus | Uusimaa
More information
Veera Jalava, Regional Artist on Design Education, [email protected]
Sewing action powered by SuoMun Ompelukerho
SuoMu – Suomen muotoilukasvatusseura ry
Non-commercial space inside a shopping mall by POP UP ILO
International Fashion Revolution
In Finland : Vaatevallankumous