Central Arts Council aims to counter hate speech – call for applications for “good speech” projects continues until 15 March

The Central Arts Council invites multi-art projects that utilise digitalisation and social media. “We are seeking innovative ways to promote diversity in a positive way,” says Risto Ruohonen, Chair of the Central Arts Council.
The idea for a “good speech” campaign came about last November when the newly appointed members of the Central Arts Council discussed the allocation of development funds. The aim is to counter hate speech with a constructive alternative. Good speech projects are not limited to traditional artforms alone. “The Central Arts Council believes that dialogue between cultures will help nurture future wellbeing and cultural equality,” Ruohonen explains.
Since hate speech has found fertile ground in social media, good speech projects should also be visible in the same media. “Social media serves these days to a troubling degree as a platform for hate speech,” Ruohonen adds.
The Central Arts Council has committed to continue the “good speech” theme in 2018–19, when a new call for applications will be announced. This will make it possible for the same project to receive extended funding for the next two years.
The subsidy is available to associations, cooperatives and other communities, and the project must be launched in 2017. The total amount of the subsidy will be distributed among no more than two communities.
Special attention shall be paid to the artistic quality and impact of the project when evaluating applications.
The Central Arts Council is an expert body of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) and the Ministry of Education and Culture in policymaking regarding the arts. Each year the Central Arts Council decides on the awarding of special subsidies to support new ways of participating in the social debate by means of the arts.
Further information:
Risto Ruohonen, Chair of the Central Arts Council. Contact Eija Ristimäki, Head of Communications, [email protected], t. +358 295 330 722