Central Arts Council begins new three-year term, Rosa Meriläinen appointed Deputy Chair

The Central Arts Council appointed Designer Mikko Paakkanen from Helsinki as a new member of the National Council for Architecture and Design to replace Päivi Meuronen, who submitted her resignation. The current term for national arts councils is 2019–20.
The Central Arts Council also decided to ask the arts councils to propose nominees for appointing a new Art Academic. The ceremonial title of Art Academic is awarded by the President of Finland based on a proposal by the Central Arts Council.
The members of the Central Arts Council for the term 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2022 are Author Juha Itkonen (Chair), Executive Director Rosa Meriläinen (Deputy Chair), Cultural Director Sari Kaasinen, Chief Conductor Ville Matvejeff, Visual Artist Melek Mazici, Executive Director Hanna Rosendahl, Executive Director Hannu Saha, Author Philip Teir and Rector Mauri Ylä-Kotola.
The Central Arts Council is an expert body of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland that makes decisions regarding the number of national arts councils, their names and their roles. It also appoints the members of the arts councils for two-year terms. In addition, the Central Arts Council serves as an advisory body to the Ministry of Education and Culture in policymaking regarding the arts.
Further information: Paula Tuovinen, Director, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, t. +358 295 330 703