Change to application deadlines as of April 2015

The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) has made a change to its rules concerning application periods. From now on applications must be received by 4:00pm on the last day of the application period. The first applications to be affected by the new rule are for travel grants, the application period for which is 1-30 April 2015. The deadline for online submissions is also 4:00pm on the last day of the application period. The online submission service will be in Finnish and in Swedish.
Previously, applications postmarked on the last day were accepted, regardless of when they actually arrived. Accordingly, applicants should pay close attention to deadlines whether they intend to submit their application online or send their application by post. Only applications that arrive before the deadline shall be considered.
“The change to our application deadlines is connected to the piloting and implementation of our new electronic application system. After piloting the system in April, we hope to make online submissions possible next autumn for project grants, for example,” says Minna Sirnö, Director of Taike.
“Applicants have been waiting anxiously for the possibility to submit their applications electronically. The new system will also enable our peer reviewers to read applications online,” Sirnö continues.
Initially the new online service will meet the expectations of individual grant applicants and working groups. Applicants will be able fill in and send their applications, add information to their applications, receive decisions, appeal decisions and request payment for grants that they have been awarded.
The system requirements for communities are different and still require additional work. If everything goes according to plan, the online service should be available also to communities by the end of this year.
Taike shall provide further information about the new system in due course before the autumn application periods.
The change to application deadlines does not yet apply to artist grants in March. For artist grants for which the application period is 1-31 March 2015, applications postmarked on the last day will be accepted.