Changes to autumn application period – online applications accepted for grants

The application period for next year’s state project grants and regional artist and project grants is 1 October to 6 November 2015. Applications must be received no later than 4:00pm on 6 November.
For the first time all Taike grants can be applied for electronically. To do so applicants must first log in to Taike’s online services, for example by using eBanking identifiers.
Alongside online applications, Taike will continue to accept also paper applications. These too must be received by the application deadline. It is no longer sufficient that applications be postmarked on the last day.
Applicants should pay close attention to the deadline and submit their applications before the last day to ensure that they are received on time. Last autumn Taike received over 5000 grant applications. Only applications that arrive before the deadline shall be considered.
Subsidies for communities still require paper applications
The application period for next year’s special and operational subsidies for communities is 1 to 30 October 2015. These applications must still be sent on paper. The application deadline is 4:00pm on 30 October, by which time the applications must be at the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. It is not sufficient that applications be postmarked on the last day.
Applications may be submitted either to Taike’s head office or a regional office.
Details about this autumn’s calls for applications shall be published on the Taike website in September.
Further information:
Tiina Kuoppa, Head of Planning
t. +358 295 330 801