Community-art triennial starts at the IHME Contemporary Art Festival

The Triennial will spread to west-coast towns in the coming months, offering a broad overview of art whose starting points are encounters, interactions and collaborations between people. The events will take place from April 1 to June 5, 2016, and the public can, for instance, learn the ABC of visiting culture or look for gay caches. The triennial programme also includes workshops, work presentations and discussions.
The RECEPTION 2016 community-art triennial is being arranged by the Saari Residence – an artist and researcher residency maintained by the Kone Foundation – and Arts Promotion Centre Finland, in collaboration with artists and organizations working in community art. “According to its makers, RECEPTION is a situation that cannot be rehearsed in advance – an attack on getting stuck,” says artist Suvi Solkio, who coordinates the triennial.
The ranks of those staging the Triennial include visual-theatre duo Livsmedlet, Pori Centre for Children’s Culture, visual artists Kalle Hamm and Dzamil Kamanger, choreographer-dancer Sari Palmgren and the Utopia workgroup, plus the collective of women sculptors Piirakkakerho. The bodies collaborating with the artists include, among others, Turku Region LGBT community and asylum seekers in Vaasa.
Taike Day – discussing collaboration in community art
The IHME Contemporary Art Festival’s IHME Days at the Old Student House on April 1–3, 2016, open with Community Art – Taike Day. This event, jointly produced by the Festival, the Triennial and Arts Promotion Centre Finland, considers issues that arise in the field: Where does Community Art stand on the map of contemporary art? What motivates multidisciplinary collaboration? How do funders respond to the idea of community art?
Those sharing their experiences will include the artist duo Nutty Tarts, and the Raumars Artist in Residence Programme, plus representatives from the funding bodies. The occasion is aimed at artists and producers active in community art, and anyone else who is interested in the topic.
Further information:
Province artist for community art Suvi Solkio, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, mailto:[email protected], +358 (0)295 330 902
Executive Director Paula Toppila, IHME Contemporary Art Festival, [email protected], +358 (0)45 1240096