Fifth call for applications for COVID-19 support for the arts and culture sectors 16-30 June | News

Two forms of support are available: grants for private persons and operating subsidies for private traders and sole proprietors. Applicants must choose one or the other.
Professional groups in the arts and culture sectors that are not usually Taike customers may also apply for the support. Generally, Taike awards grants only to professional artists and art journalists. This round of COVID-19 support, on the other hand, covers a broader ecosystem of the arts and culture in order to include also other professionals who are employed in the arts and culture sectors.
Grants for private persons
Private persons may apply for support in the form of grants amounting to 6000 euros each. Grants awarded to private persons are intended to cover three months of work during the period 1 September – 31 December 2021.
These working grants are intended for professional artists and professionals in the culture and creative sectors whose work and livelihoods have been reduced or ceased altogether due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These grants are intended for the applicant's own work or for the resumption of creative work and activities in a situation where the applicant has lost work opportunities or been prevented from practicing his or her profession. The grant can be used, for example, to maintain professional skills, to plan resumption activities, for practicing, for artistic or creative work, or for activities that support these. Grants awarded for artistic activities are tax free.
Operating subsidies for private traders and sole proprietors
Private traders and sole proprietors may apply for support in the form of operating subsidies amounting to 8000 or 12,000 euros each, depending on the costs and scope of operations. These subsidies are intended to cover the costs of the entrepreneur’s own operations or for the resumption of operations in a situation where normal operations have been disrupted or prevented altogether due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The support may be used to cover costs generated in 2021. The support must be used by 31.12.2021. Subsidies awarded to private traders and sole proprietors are taxable income.
These operating subsidies are intended for private traders and sole proprietors in the arts, culture and creative sectors. These subsidies may also be awarded to technical or production entrepreneurs within the creative industries ecosystem. These subsidies may be awarded to any form of company: private traders, limited partnerships, limited liability companies or cooperatives.
Application period
The application period for both forms of support begins on Wednesday 16 June and ends on Wednesday 20 June at 4:00pm. All applicants shall receive written notification of the decision by the end of August. The support will be paid in September.