Nomination of candidates for arts councils underway

Nominees are being requested from approximately 220 art experts and organisations for the national arts councils and from approximately 530 art experts and organisations for the regional arts councils.
“We hope to receive a broad range of nominees who represent different genres within their artforms and the diversity within the fields of the arts and culture,” says Risto Ruohonen, Chair of the Central Arts Council
“We welcome candidates with a broad understanding of the artforms represented by each arts council. Each nominating art expert and organisation can nominate multiple candidates to help ensure that we also attract art experts outside Helsinki Region,” Ruohonen adds.
The Central Arts Council has specified seven national arts councils for 2019-20. A total of 74 members are to be appointed for the national arts councils and 107 members for the 13 regional arts councils.
The national arts councils make decisions regarding the awarding of state artist grants and other grants and awards to artists and artist groups. They also provide opinions regarding applications by communities and artist pension applications.
The regional arts councils make decisions regarding the awarding of grants and awards for artists and artist groups within their own area of responsibility. They also provide opinions regarding state prizes for children’s culture and the Lapsenpäivä Award, for example, as well as opinions about the fields covered by regional artists.
Members of the arts councils are expected to have good artistic expertise and experience in the fields of the arts and culture. The Central Arts Council is responsible for ensuring that the arts councils represent a diverse range of artistic and other expertise. Linguistic and regional aspects are also taken into consideration. Each member may be appointed to the arts council for no more than two consecutive terms, after which he or she may be reappointed after no less than two years.
Letter from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland requesting nominees for the national arts councils (in Finnish)
Art experts and organisations that have been asked to propose nominees to the national arts councils (in Finnish)
Letter from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland requesting nominees for the regional arts councils (in Finnish)
Art experts and organisations that have been asked to propose nominees to the regional arts councils (in Finnish)
Further information: Esa Rantanen, Head of Arts Support, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, t. +358 295 330 720, [email protected]