Processing of applications for library grants and public display grants begins

Library grants are generally awarded in the form working grants for four, six or nine months to writers and translators of fiction and non-fiction. Annual appropriations for these grants are based on annual appropriations for general library procurements and amount to approximately 2.8 million euros. Last year, 248 of these grants were awarded.
Public display grants are awarded to professional artists in different fields of the visual arts in the form of working grants for six months. A total of 960,000 euros is reserved in the annual state budget for these grants, a total of 80 of which can be awarded.
Decisions for library grants and public display grants will be made by the end of April, and the grants can be used in 2024. Decisions are made by separate boards under Taike.
Further information
Henri Terho, Head of Arts Support
[email protected], t. 0295 330 901