Taike grants and subsidies open for application in October

The application period for state project grants and regional working and project grants to be allocated in 2016 is 1 October to 6 November 2015. Applications must be received no later than 4:00pm on 6 November.
For the first time all Taike grants can be applied for electronically. To do so applicants must first log in to Taike’s online services, for example by using eBanking identifiers.
Applicants should pay close attention to the deadline and submit their applications before the last day to ensure that they are received on time. The online application system allows applicants to save incomplete applications while working on them and to amend them during the application period. The online application system will begin accepting grant applications on 1 October 2015.
Applicants who apply electronically will also be informed of the decision online via Taike’s online services. After receiving the decision, applicants can also use the services to appeal the decision and submit clarification of how the funds were spent.
Alongside online applications, Taike will continue to accept also paper applications. These too must be received no later than 4:00pm on the last day of the application period. It is no longer sufficient that applications be postmarked on the last day. Paper applications will be accepted at all Taike offices, as well as for the first time at the City of Mikkeli’s Citizen's Offices and Service Points, where it is also possible to use Taike’s electronic services and video conferencing to talk with administrative staff at Taike.
Last autumn Taike received over 5000 grant applications. Only applications that arrive before the deadline are processed.
Applications will also be processed online
The peer review of applications will also take place online. Previously the members of Taike’s arts councils and subcommittees have had to review the paper applications at the office. Now they will be able to review this autumn’s grant applications on their own computers in a secure online environment.
“This autumn’s changes represent a long-awaited change in our organisational culture for Taike’s customers, peer reviewers and the agency itself. In accordance with our strategy we are investing heavily in developing digital services. The digital service environment will enable us to reduce the time it takes to process applications,” says Minna Sirnö, Director of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.
Subsidies for communities still require paper applications
The application period for next year’s special and operational subsidies for communities is 1 to 30 October 2015. These applications must still be sent on paper. The application deadline is 4:00pm on 30 October, by which time the applications must be at the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. It is not sufficient that applications be postmarked on the last day.
Applications may be submitted to Taike’s head office or a regional office, or alternatively to the City of Mikkeli’s Citizen's Offices and Service Points.
Details about this autumn’s calls for applications for grants and subsidies shall be published on the Taike website when the application period begins on 1 October 2015.
Further information:
Esa Rantanen, Head of Arts Support
t. +358 295 330 720
Taike’s customer service is available on weekdays from 10am to 2pm by calling +358 295 330 700
Calls for grant applications this autumn
State grants in 2016 – electronic applications
Project grants
to support the implementation of individual projects by professional artists and critics in different fields of the arts.
Application period: 01.10–06.11.2015
Library grants for illustrators, comic artists and musicians, as well as support for drama literature, can be applied for as project grants.
Application period: 01.10–06.11.2015
Grants for multicultural art projects
to support the artistic activities of immigrants and ethnic minorities, as well as art projects that promote intercultural dialogue in Finland.
Application period: 01.10–06.11.2015
Artist-in-residence grants
to help cover the travel and living costs of professional artists who have been accepted to participate in international artists-in-residence programmes abroad.
Application period: 01.10–06.11.2015
State subsidies in 2016 – paper applications
Operational subsidies for communities
to support the ongoing operations of communities in different fields of the arts, such as associations, foundations, co-operatives and companies.
Application period: 01–30.10.2015
Operational subsidies for regional dance centres
to support the operations of communities in the field of dance, such as associations, foundations, cooperatives and companies.
Application period: 01–30.10.2015
Special subsidies for communities
to support the individual projects of communities in different fields of the arts, such as associations, foundations, co-operatives and companies. The minimum amount that can be applied for is 1500 euros.
Application period: 01–30.10.2015
Artist-in-residence subsidies
to help cover the operating and start-up expenses of international artist-in-residence programmes in Finland run by municipalities, associations and other communities.
Application period: 01–30.10.2015
Subsidies for promoting multiculturalism and combating racism
These subsidies are intended for communities to support multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue, artistic and cultural activities of immigrants and ethnic minorities, and work that combats racism.
Application period: 01–30.10.2015
Regional grants – electronic applications
Regional working grants
to support the long-term artistic work or further training of professional artists or art critics within the region. These grants are awarded for a maximum period of 1 year.
Application period: 01.10–06.11.2015
Regional project grants
to support the implementation of individual projects of artists or groups within the region.
Application period: 01.10–06.11.2015
Regional project grants for children's culture
to support the children’s and youth culture projects of professional artists, groups, critics, teachers and researchers.
Application period: 01.10–06.11.2015
Regional subsidies – paper applications
Regional subsidies for communities
to support the organising of various art activities, such as exhibitions, seminars, training events and courses, by groups within the region, such as associations, organisations, foundations and co-operatives. The minimum amount that can be applied for is 1500 euros.
Application period: 01–30.10.2015
Regional subsidies for children's culture
to support projects promoting children’s and youth culture by groups such as associations, foundations, co-operatives, municipalities and companies. The minimum amount that can be applied for is 1500 euros.
Application period: 01–30.10.2015
Cultural wellbeing subsidies
to support the creation of permanent operating models that promote the positive effects of art on wellbeing by groups such as associations, companies, co-operatives, foundations, municipalities and municipal federations. Applications should be addressed to the Regional Office of Southeast Finland and Häme in Kouvola.
Application period: 01–30.10.2015