Taike to organise six regional events this spring to discuss cultural policy report

This spring’s events will explain the process and help create a long-term vision of the cultural sector through discussions. The events will provide an opportunity to express different points of view to the working group preparing the cultural policy report. The Government aims to submit the report to Parliament in autumn 2024.
The programme for these events includes a multidisciplinary panel discussion and the opportunity to participate in an audience discussion, the key themes and proposed solutions from which will be recorded as material for the report. Bold, radical and critical statements, as well as statements justifying the preservation of the current system, are equally welcome. The discussions will be facilitated, but not censored.
The discussions aim to provide answers to the following questions, for example: What would make you try something new in the field of culture; as a creator, experiencer, collaborator, researcher, financier or politician? What kinds of change trends will affect the content, production and consumption of art? What prevents you from consuming art and culture?
“The cultural policy report will be part of a significant cultural policy vision and a document to guide its implementation. To broaden the conversation beyond art professionals and decision-makers, we are also keen to hear a wide range of views from consumers of culture. Our goal is to attract genuinely different perspectives and learn from those who are not usually heard in matters of the arts and culture,” says Taike Director Kaisa Rönkkö, who is a member of the working group preparing the cultural policy report.
The events will be held this spring at the following locations and times:
Kuhmo (Kuhmo-talo) – Thursday 29 February, 13–16
Inari (Saamelaiskulttuurikeskus Sajos) – Tuesday 12 March, 12–15
Jyväskylä (kaupungintalo) – Thursday 21 March, 9–12
Vaasa (Draama-sali) – Thursday 11 April, 13–16
Lappeenranta (valtuustosali) – Wednesday 17 April, 13–16
Vantaa, TBC
Registration for the events opens in February – see the Taike website (taike.fi) for details.
Further information:
Kaisa Rönkkö, Director, [email protected], t. 0295 330 874
Project website of the cultural policy report: okm.fi/kulttuuriselonteko (In Finnish)