Taike’s online services currently unavailable due to a technical issue – application periods extended

The application periods for working and project grants, project grants and special subsidies for children’s culture, special subsidies for projects that apply the principle “1% of Construction Costs for Art”, and special subsidies for “good speech” projects have been extended until 4:00pm on Monday 19 March.
You can apply for grants and subsidies also by printing out an application form, filling it in and delivering it to the main office of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland in Helsinki (Hakaniemenranta 6) or one of our regional offices (www.taike.fi/en/contacts).
Application forms can be opened or saved in pdf format by clicking on the link at the end of the application notification. Please note that applications must arrive at Taike's head office or a regional office by 4:00pm on Monday 19 March.
We are currently addressing the technical issue together with our service provider and will announce when the issue has been resolved.
We apologise for the inconvenience.
Further information is available from Taike’s customer service: [email protected] or tel. 0295 330 700