
That’s art! - Come and realise a project in which the miracle of art is present

The Arts Promotion Centre Finland and its expert body, the Central Arts Council, will award a special grant for planning and implementing a campaign that enhances the visibility, appreciation and role of art in society. The campaign is to be realised using social media and possibly other media channels, and it must be carried out by means of art.

The grant shall be awarded to a campaign that reaches new audiences and decision-makers. The aim is to enhance the appreciation of art among the general public and decision-makers, as well as to encourage new parties to begin funding the arts.

Groups of professional artists representing different artforms, including associations, may apply for the special one-time grant. The amount of the grant is 40,000 euros, which the Central Arts Council will distribute among one to two projects. The application period is 14 April to 9 May 2014.

Further information: Johanna Vuolasto, Special Adviser, t. 358 295 330 870,

Further details on how to apply