Welcome to Global Pasts, Local Presents seminar

The meal after the seminar will permit to continue discussions with the international and local organisers and create new networks with people working with art and migration in other European countries. The language of the seminar is mainly English, but also Italian, French, Polish, German, Spanish, Arabic, Mandika, Finnish, Portuguese, Russian and other languages can be spoken and freely translated. The seminar will be held with special participation of Stuba Nikula, the Cultural Director of Helsinki. The seminar is organised by The City Ghettos of Today, Arts Promotion Centre|Uusimaa and Citizen´s Forum.
Global Pasts, Local Presents seminar 16.9.2014 at 2-6 pm
Lavaklubi, National Theatre, Läntinen teatterikuja 1, 00100 Helsinki.
Meal at restaurant Mesopotamia, Vilhonkatu 6, 00100 Helsinki at 6-8 pm.
♦ The audiovisual installation of The City Ghettos of Today in Helsinki is opened on Sept 11th and is on display for audience 12.-19.9. at Stoa.
♦ Prosperos´veils performances related to the installation will take place on Wednesday 17.9. at 6pm at Stoa, and Friday 19.9. at 5 pm at Shopping Centre Forum.
♦ Foreign views to Helsinki, series of encounters and workshop schedule at Programme of The City Ghettos of Today in Helsinki.
Further information about the project www.cityghettos.com
Inscriptions to the installation building team by 3.9. (6 places left) to [email protected]
Seminar invitation
Inscriptions to both the seminar and the following meal by 10.9. (max 50 participants)
The City Ghettos of Today -project has been funded with support of the European Commission – Program Europe for Citizens and co-financed by Evens Foundation. This communication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for its content merits.
Further information
Regional Artist on Cultural Diversity, Outi Korhonen
tfn 0295 330 805
[email protected]