Online services

You can apply for grants using Taike’s e-services. Log in by clicking on the link in the upper right corner of our web pages.

Please note that the guidelines below are for Taike’s current online services. Calls for applications will gradually be transferred to the new online service, guidelines for which can be found on the service’s own pages. Information about which online service to use for applying will be provided with each call for applications.

All Taike grants can be applied for electronically using our e-services. Please note that our e-services cannot be accessed on mobile devices.
Read the call for applications carefully before filling in an application. The call for applications includes details about the terms, application period and what attachments to include with your application.
The connection will time out automatically after 30 minutes if the service is not used. Remember to save your work regularly. All information that you have saved will be retained despite the connection timeout.