
Call for applications to foreign and minority language writers living in Finland to participate in the Publishers’ Meeting at the Turku Book Fair 2024

Publishers and foreign and minority language writers will have the chance to meet at the Turku Book Fair on 4 October 2024. The programme also includes a panel discussion that will be open to the public.

The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) is organising a special event at the Turku Book Fair on 4 October 2024 at which foreign and minority language writers living in Finland can meet representatives of publishing houses. The aim of the event is to help foreign and minority language writers and Finnish publishers to collaborate and increase diversity in Finnish literature.

In connection with the meeting, a panel discussion open to all visitors to the Turku Book Fair is being organised.

Writers can apply for the Publishers’ Meeting by filling in the online form. Applications must be submitted by 15 September 2024.

New Voices in Finnish Literature: Foreign language authors and the role of publishing houses

Turku Book Fair, 4 October 2024, 17:00–18:00.

  • 17:00–17:30: A panel discussion on how foreign and minority language writers can find a publisher in Finland. The panel will include representatives from publishing houses who will share their views and advice. The panel discussion is open to all book fair visitors.
  • 17:30–18:00: Face-to-face meetings with Finnish publishers: Speed Dating, where authors can meet publishers face-to-face and make important contacts. 

Read more and apply for Speed Dating with Publishers.