Creative digital printing workshop 7.–8. joulukuuta

Gary Wornell yhdessä Taiteen edistämiskeskuksen kanssa järjestää kahden päivän mittaisen printtityöpajan. Työpajassa voi kokeilla, ideoida ja inspiroitua tulostustekniikan suomista mahdollisuuksista. Työpajassa kokeillaan tulostamista erilaisille materiaaleille. Garyn Epsonille kehittelemä uusi tulostusmateriaali lanseerattiin kansainvälisesti viikolla 46., tätä materiaalia on myös mahdollisuus käyttää ja testata työpajassa. Alla on englanniksi tarkempi kuvaus työpajan sisällöstä.
Ilmoittaudu ajoissa sillä paikkoja on rajoitetusti!
Työpajan kieli on englanti ja se pidetään Garyn työhuoneella Riihimäellä. Työpajan hinta 140 e (sis.alv).
Tarkemmat tiedot työpajasta ja ilmoittautumiset 25.11 mennessä läänintaiteilija Heli Kauhanen [email protected] tai puh.0295 330 892.
For beginners and basic level students familiar with desktop and/or wide format inkjet printers.
The idea of this workshop is to open the doors to the possibilities of inkjet printing on a variety of media and encourage the use of alternative printing methods. By learning about the technical possibilities and limitations of inkjet printers, the student will be able to assess the potential success of an idea and have the opportunity to try it out.
Course outline
The course will give the student basic training on operating Epson Medium and Wide Format printers including settings for various media and print quality.
• The course will include the preparation with inkjet pre-coatings on thin Japanese papers, fine art papers, synthetic materials and metal sheet.
• Methods for printing on uneven or deckled edge hand made papers.
• The use of Qimage and Mirage printing software will also prepare the student for professional style printing workflow including colour profiles for standard Epson Media and how to print from Photoshop directly.
• Post coating for print protection. The use of postcoats with UVLS (Ultra Violet Light Stabilisers)
Facilities at the studio
Students will have the full use of:
• 1 Windows XP OS computers with calibrtated monitor (you are encouraged to use your own laptop if you have one to reduce waiting times on the printing workstations. (printing to the Epson 9880 takes place through this computer)
• 1 Macbook Pro - Mavericks OS 10.9 - (warning - do not bring Western Digital Hard drives with original software installed. Just images on memory sticks or your laptops.)
• Epson 3880, and 9880 inkjet printers with Ultrachrome K3 inks.
• Wireless ADSL internet connection.
Students should bring their own files for printing. Files can be loaded on memory sticks or kep on your laptops and transfered only when ready to print. Keep in mind that this course is not intended to produce finished work, but should be considered as a time to experiment with a wide variety of ideas. The limited time available will become very busy with prints in the queue and the aim of the course is to inspire and encourage experiment.
Tarkemmat tiedot työpajasta ja ilmoittautumiset 25.11 mennessä [email protected]