Kulttuuripolitiikan tutkijat ja vertaisarvioijat pohtivat laadunarviointia

Tilaisuus on osa pohjoismaista konferenssia, ja se on avoin kaikille. Työkieli on englanti.
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NCCPR (Nordic Conference on Cultural Policy Research) kokoaa kahdeksatta kertaa yhteen tutkijoita ja hallinnon väkeä teemalla ”Migration, Culture and Nation”.
Thematic Session: Understanding quality
Time: 25.08.2017, 9–11
Venue: TAIKE (Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Hakaniemenranta 6)
Arts Council Norway and Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) are organising a thematic session within the NCCPR. The session is open without conference fee also for those who are not NCCPR-participants, for example peer reviewers and administrators from different Nordic countries.
The aim of the session is to discuss, among other things, peer review practices in Nordic art support agencies. The programme will consist of keynote presentations and panel discussion.
The language will be English.