Calls for applications for ESF+ funding within the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise theme to open on 13 January 2025

The goal is to respond to the skills needs in the creative fields caused by changes in working and business life. Funded projects are meant to bring new skills to working life.
The funding is also aimed at implementing the cultural policy report and the growth strategy for the creative sector, as well as the use of R&D funding targeted at the creative sector.
The application criteria emphasise, for example, the strengthening of skills, employment and innovations in the arts, culture and creative sector, and the nationwide scope and needs-oriented nature of the project.
“The application criteria have already been published in order to give applicants sufficient preparation time. Applicants are encouraged to prepare and acquire identifiers for the EURA 2021 system during the rest of this year,” says Minna Taipale, Financing Specialist at the ELY Centre for Häme, which serves as the funding authority for the theme.
Funded projects must meet the general selection criteria based on EU and national legislation. In addition, special selection criteria are taken into consideration, compliance with which will place the applications in priority order. The selection criteria have been published on the Structural Funds website.
Two calls for applications
The contents of the calls for applications opening in January are similar to the previous calls for applications within the theme. The first call for applications was in spring 2023, when a total of more than 20 million euros of funding was applied for. In the first round of applications, nine projects were funded, which were awarded a total of 4.9 million euros. The total amount of funding for the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise theme during the 2021–2027 programme period is 13.6 million euros.
Compared to the previous application round, the clearest difference is that there will be two calls for applications in the upcoming application round. In both of these calls for applications, versatile collaboration between various actors is expected from the projects.
The call for applications for traditional development projects covers wide-ranging expertise and innovation projects that meet the needs of the arts, culture and creative sector.
The second call for applications is new and is aimed at pilot projects, funding for which will be paid as a lump sum. The maximum amount of support is 200,000 euros. These projects can be more one-off, smaller experiments that respond to the development needs of the creative sector. This model will help projects focus better on results and impacts instead of a detailed examination of costs. Smaller applicants are especially welcome.
In addition, as part of the same call for applications, an extended call for applications for the coordination project of the theme will open from 2026 onwards. At the moment, the Creative Net of the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) serves as the coordination project.
Funding can be applied for by institutions of public law and legal persons governed by private law, such as various communities, companies, associations, municipalities, learning institutes and cooperatives. Funding is not available to working groups, private traders or individuals.
Calls for applications with details will be opened in the EURA 2021 system at the turn of the year. Decisions on funded projects are made by the ELY Centre for Häme.
Info briefings, sparring and morning coffees
The Creative Net team supports and spars actors in the arts, culture and creative sector participating in the application rounds. Support is available for project ideation and finding suitable partners.
“Careful preparation of the project idea and identifying potential partners in good time is important. It is often more effective to apply for ESF+ funding in collaboration in order to ensure versatile project expertise,” says Sofia-Charlotta Kakko, Creative Net Project Manager.
“Creative Net is offering support also in this application round, so you should contact us at an early stage,” Kakko continues.
Around the turn of the year, info briefings and other events will be organised to support the calls for applications.
- Creative Net info briefing, 4 December 2024, 9am–10am
Minna Taipale, Financing Specialist at the ELY Centre for Häme, will talk about ESF+ funding within the Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise theme. Find out more and register.
- Creative Net sparring, 4 December 2024, 10am–4pm
These quarter-hour sparring sessions will provide feedback on whether your project idea is suitable for ESF+ funding or how it could be further developed. Sparring will be provided by our team of Creative Net experts together with Minna Taipale, Financing Specialist at the ELY Centre for Häme. Find out more and register.
- ELY Centre for Häme info briefing, 14 January 2025
According to preliminary information, the ELY Centre for Häme will host its own info briefing on the morning of Tuesday 14 January 2025. Details will be published on the Structural Funds website.
- Creative Net morning coffees, 16 January – 27 March 2025
At our morning coffees, you can hear about the implementation plans for the cultural policy report and the ongoing growth strategy work for the creative sector. We will also discuss with project applicants, and participants can present their own questions to the funding body.
These morning coffees will be held throughout the application period every other Tuesday from 9am to 10am. The dates are 16 January, 30 January, 13 February, 27 February, 13 March and 27 March. Registrations and details will be published nearer to these dates.
Further information
Minna Taipale, Financing Specialist, ELY Centre for Häme,
[email protected]
Sofia-Charlotta Kakko, Project Manager, Creative Net, Taike
[email protected]
- Press release (in Finnish): Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise: calls for applications open in January, information about contents available now (
Find out more about the national theme: Creative and Cultural Innovation Expertise
Creative Net support for applying
See our answers to frequently asked questions (in Finnish)
Make use of Creative Net’s materials for clarifying your project idea